
Relaxation Massage

Relaxation massage is a smooth, gentle style of massage that works by soothing your body’s soft tissues and encouraging rest. Your massage therapist will apply light to medium pressure to your back, legs, arms and neck through kneading and rubbing movements. It’s important to note that a relaxation massage is not a deep tissue massage; it is not designed to work on deep muscles.

The benefits of a relaxation massage include:

Improves circulation
A light massage effectively increases circulation, thereby stimulating the removal of waste products from the body and increasing the levels of oxygen and nutrients absorbed by the body’s tissues.

Improves range of movement
By relaxing your muscles, your massage therapist will be able to stretch out muscle fibres and increase elasticity. This will subsequently increase your range of movement.

Relieves minor muscle tension
Relaxation massage releases tension by stimulating the body’s relaxation response and decreasing the production of stress hormones (such as cortisol) that can contribute to muscle tension.

Improves overall physical and mental wellbeing
Beneficial physiological changes occur when deep relaxation is coupled with the soothing of soft tissues.

Call now on 08 9276 3023 or click the BOOK NOW button to make an appointment.